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Av. Brg. Faria Lima, 2055 - 17th floor

Jardim Paulistano - São Paulo - SP

Brazil - 01452-001

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Deal Comunicação


André Ítalo


Stefânia Akel

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© 2021Merakicapital


The tables and other information herein are intended solely for the unitholders and are for information purposes only, they do not represent any investment offer, recommendation, suggestion or analysis. Pursuant to the regulation in effect, for purposes of assessing investment fund performance, an analysis of no less than twelve (12) months is advisable. Returns obtained in the past are no assurance regarding future earnings. Investment Funds are not guaranteed by the fund manager, portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism, or the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC). Investors must read the investment fund regulation in detail before investing their funds. The return disclosed is not net of taxes. The funds may use derivative strategies as an integral part of their investment policies. These strategies, as adopted, may result in significant losses for the unitholders, and may also give rise to losses exceeding the capital invested and the unitholder’s obligation to contribute additional funds to absorb the funds’ loss. Some of the funds described herein are authorized to invest in financial assets abroad. Equity funds may be exposed to significant concentration in assets from few issuers, including all risks arising therefrom. Ibovespa and US Dollar are mere economic references, not constituting objective benchmarks for the funds disclosed herein. Meraki Capital is not responsible for any investment decisions made based on the materials presented herein. The data, amounts and fees refer to the abovementioned dates and conditions. Meraki Capital reserves the right to change the content of this website without prior, express communication. Pursuant to Law No. 13709/18 – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), information that may collected herein will be exclusively used to: (i) identify the contact of a potential investor or existing investor through sending name and email address and/or, if applicable, sending periodic information (e.g.: reports, sending units and other information on the funds and the Manager), and/or, if applicable, sending invitations to in-person and online events;  (ii) no sensitive data will be collected on this website; (iii) data will not be used for commercial purposes and will not be shared with third parties for commercial purposes; (iv) data can be accessed by third parties hired by Meraki Capital for purposes of compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; (v) data sent (name and email) can be deleted from Meraki Capital’s databases, as requested by the owner, subject to the legal and regulatory requirements concerning the maintenance and storage of documents arising from other legal provisions. For further information, please contact our team.

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